So you’ve heard about the “infinity bottle” trend and you’re thinking about making one with your favorite absinthe?
Well, hold up there, friend! Let me stop you right there!
Trust me, your absinthe deserves better than that. As someone who knows a thing or two about the Green Fairy, let me tell you why this is a bad idea.
Let’s break down why this is a terrible idea and why you should just stick to the classic absinthe ritual.
Why on Earth Would You Do This?
First of all, let’s talk about the infinity bottle trend.
To my knowledge, this trend began in the whiskey space with many whiskey aficionados having jumped on the infinity bottle trend.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, an infinity bottle is essentially a container where you mix a variety of different whiskies together to create a unique blend that evolves over time as you add more and different whiskies.
Bourbons, rye whiskeys, scotch whiskies, and Japanese whiskies are popular choices for the blend. The goal is to create something unique and personal that changes over time.
However, this trend has begun catching on with other drinks.
Those who defend this practice say that it’s a fun way to experiment with different flavors and create something truly your own.
As an Absinthe Fiend and not a Whiskey Fiend, I can’t speak to those results. Though my gut reaction is most certainly a resounding “NO!”
It’s like when you see kids at a restaurant make a drink with each flavor in the soda machine. They’ll insist it’s good, but we know better…
In much the same way, I’d be willing to bet that most of these infinity bottles are the same way. It’s a unique opportunity to combine several different elements to create something that is not as good as any of them.
Because, again, we know better…
But as I’m seeing more people talking about making infinity bottles with rum, gin, various liqueurs, and other drinks, I can read the writing on the wall.
So I’m here to strongly advise against subjecting our beloved Green Fairy to the nightmare of the infinity bottle!
Let’s start with the short answer…

Why Not Make an Absinthe Infinity Bottle?
Okay, so maybe I’m taking a really strong stance on this and my unabashed cattiness is unwarranted.
But here’s the thing though…
Absinthe is a complex and delicate spirit that requires a certain level of care and attention. It’s absolutely not something that should be mixed haphazardly with other spirits just for the sake of being trendy.
At the end of the day, absinthe has a rich history and tradition that should be respected and appreciated.
But don’t mistake me for being someone who refuses to accept new ideas. There’s a very practical reason behind my stance on this as well!
The simple fact is that every real absinthe already has a unique flavor profile that doesn’t necessarily need to be altered or blended with other spirits. This is the result of tireless experimentation and true mastery of the distillation techniques that go into making great absinthe.
The classic absinthe ritual, which involves slowly dripping ice water over a sugar cube into a glass of absinthe, allows you to fully appreciate and savor the complex flavors and aromas of the spirit.
Related: How to Prepare Absinthe (The Right Way!)
In short, making an infinity bottle with absinthe is like putting ketchup on a perfectly cooked filet mignon. Sure, you can do it, but why would you want to ruin something that’s already great on its own?
So, if you really want to experiment with absinthe, try different brands or styles to find the one that suits your taste buds. My absinthe reviews are here to help you with that!
But please, don’t mix it with other spirits (including other absinthes) in an infinity bottle. Just stick to the classic absinthe ritual or even some delicious cocktails and enjoy this enchanting spirit for what it is.

The Absinthe Anomaly
With the short answer out of the way, let’s dig into the longer answer.
Keep in mind that absinthe is a complex spirit that is not meant to be mixed with just anything.
Its unique flavor profile comes from a blend of botanicals, including anise, fennel, and wormwood. These ingredients give absinthe its distinctive licorice flavor and a slightly bitter finish.
But those are just the “must haves” in a true absinthe.
Every absinthe is going to include a ton (often dozens) of other herbal ingredients. While they’re all important, you won’t always be able to tell what every single ingredient is and most distilleries heavily guard this information for obvious reasons.
So not only is absinthe a delicate thing, to begin with, but you’re also playing with virtually infinite variables when you try to make an absinthe infinity bottle.
Related: Exploring How Absinthe is Made
The Complex Nature of Absinthe
Absinthe is a spirit that demands respect. Its complexity and delicate flavors can be easily overwhelmed by other ingredients.
Mixing high-quality absinthe like Jade Nouvelle-Orléans with absinthe that isn’t made to the same standard in an infinity bottle is like mixing a fine wine with Kool-Aid.
It’s just not done.
Absinthe is also a spirit that is best enjoyed on its own with a few simple ingredients, like water or sugar.
Even cocktails featuring absinthe tend to take a “less is more” approach to make sure that the absinthe is able to play nicely with the other flavors going into the drink.
Because of this, mixing various absinthes (even if they’re all high quality) in an infinity bottle is like putting a hat on a hat. It’s unnecessary and takes away from the beauty of the spirit.

The Solera System: Not for Absinthe
The concept behind the infinity bottle isn’t a new thing.
In fact, this concept stems from the Solera System which is used for aging sherry as well as other liquids like vinegar, brandy, wine, some whiskies, and beer.
The idea behind this system is what we call “fractional blending.”
Sherry is aged in a series of casks, which are arranged in a pyramid-like structure called a solera. The oldest sherry is stored in the bottom row of casks, while the youngest sherry is stored in the top row.
The sherry is then blended by drawing a portion of the oldest sherry from the bottom row and replacing it with an equal amount of sherry from the row above. This process continues up the pyramid until the top row is filled with the youngest sherry.
I’m painting with broad strokes here, but you can find a more in-depth examination of the solera process for sherry here.
But with those broad strokes covered, let’s get back to how this relates to our beloved Green Fairy.
First of all, absinthe is not aged in casks the same way as sherry. Instead, it is typically distilled and bottled immediately.
While some absinthe producers may age their product in barrels for a short period of time, this is not the same as the Solera system used in sherry production.
Secondly, absinthe is a highly aromatic spirit that is made with a variety of botanicals, including anise, fennel, and wormwood. These botanicals are what give absinthe its unique flavor and aroma.
If absinthe were to be aged in a Solera system, the flavors and aromas of the botanicals would be lost over time as the spirit was blended with younger absinthe.
It would effectively create an herbal flavor that is just very “middle of the road” where few things, if any, get a moment to stand out. The complexity of the absinthe would be literally lost in the mix.
While this may work well for sherry and other liquids as I mentioned, it is not an appropriate method for aging absinthe.
Recommended: Debunking Absinthe Myths
Conclusion – Just Say No to the Absinthe Infinity Bottle
So, if you really want to experience the full complexity and depth of absinthe, skip the infinity bottle and enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
And if you’re feeling adventurous, try experimenting with different sugar and water ratios or mixing up some classic absinthe cocktails instead. Your taste buds will thank you.
When it comes to making an absinthe infinity bottle the short answer is “no.”
As it just so happens, the long answer is “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”